To my Whatcom County and British Columbia followers: I’m offering two more of my favorite workshops through Whatcom Community College next week:
  1. Finding the Right Career for You
  2. Develop Your Time Management Skills
#1 Workshop: Finding the Right Career for You
Are searching to find a meaningful career that best “FITS” you?
I’m offering my wildly popular “Finding the Right Career for You” class as a special, one night workshop through Whatcom Community College, This coming Monday night, Oct. 15 from 6:00-9:00p. I’m offering this class only one time this fall through Whatcom Community College for only $49 (normally $500+) !! And there’s still room! If that’s of interest, read the description below and sign up online today.
Here’s the description:
When it comes to your career, do you feel like a left-handed person in a right-handed job? Are you trying to decide on an educational program that matches your strengths? Are you restless to find meaningful work that resonates with your heart? Join us to discover your “core wiring” and explore finding a great “fit” to experience your life calling. You will be guided by one of the top career coaches in the Northwest—Mark Warren, The Calling Coach.
I hope to see many of you there who are looking for a new career, an better job role, or are trying to figure out what college major to pursue.
PSSST: Mention to me on the night of the class that you registered through my website, and I’ll send you my “Best Careers for your Type” pdf, FOR FREE!
#2 Workshop: Develop Your Time Management Skills
Are you challenged by the flood of texts, emails, voicemails, meetings, and people interruptions that you’re not getting your important stuff done?
I’m also offering my popular 1/2 day Leadership Series workshop,“Develop Your Time Management Skills” class through Whatcom Community College, this Thursday morning, Oct. 18, from 9:00a-12:00. I offer this class once or twice a year class  through Whatcom Community College for only $65 (normally $1,425), and there are still a few open seats! If that’s of interest, read the description below and sign up online today.
Here’s the description:
Leadership Series: Develop Your Time Management Skills
Effectively managing your time, actions, and priorities is key to being an effective and productive manager. You’ll learn techniques to prioritize tasks, manage time, delegate tasks/ projects while empowering your team, as well as explore project management principles.
I hope to see many of you there.