If you aim at nothing, that’s what you will hit. And if your life is full of clutter and piles it is difficult to take focused aim on what’s important.

To help you design a plan for your life for 2017, and get your life organized, I recommend two books that are free audiobook downloads until Jan. 31.

My go to book for life planning and refocusing your life is Living Forward: A Proven Plan to Stop Drifting and Get the Life You Want by Michael Hyatt & Daniel Harkavy. Here is the free audiobook download link, which is good until January 31: http://christianaudio.com/free/


The other free audiobook download is the national bestseller: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: the Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing by Marie Kondo. This is more about organizing and decluttering your personal space, but it is amazing, when you have a clean and clear work space, how much easier it is to do the creative and important work of life planning. Here is the free audiobook download link, which is good until January 31:  http://www.audible.com/promo/offer/2761/ref=a_at_redeem_pc_redeem_2761?p=TIDYUP1&bp_o=true&source_code=SAHFPEM121616002R&ipRedirectOverride=true