U.S. employees spend more than 2 hours per week, according to one study, involved in workplace conflicts and disagreements that disrupt the flow of work, quench creativity, and prevent team collaboration. For some of us it feels like it’s 20 hours a week dealing with workplace tension, conflict and disagreements. Whether it is dealing with a toxic co-worker, a micromanaging boss, or being misunderstood about work performance, conflict is mentally, emotionally and relationally challenging for most of us.

I’m offering my super practical, Transforming Workplace Conflict class, through Whatcom Community College next Thursday morning, Feb. 20, from 9:00a-12:00. I usually only offer this popular course through Whatcom Community College ONCE a year. In my training with companies and organizations this workshop is normally $1,495, but you can register for this workshop through Whatcom Community College for only $69!!
For a class description or to register click on this link: https://register.whatcomcommunityed.com/CourseStatus.awp?&course=20W8333067VA
I hope you or someone you know can come away equipped with some new, practical skills for having really tough conversations.